It’s not just soccer! Ten physical activity ideas that your child will love!

As many as 58 percent of young boys choose soccer which is the most popular sports discipline in Poland. However, there are many other sports activities for children that are quite popular across the nation. Which discipline will your child like?


Swimming has gained popularity due to much broader access to swimming pools and water parks, and because it can be an activity for the whole family (you can find facilities accessible with the MultiSport Kids Aqua Card here). So, it is no wonder that swimming is high on the list of sport disciplines that are popular with kids. It helps them maintain a healthy weight, prevents posture disorders and develops cardiopulmonary capacity. It is also good for the respiratory system and prevents asthma issues.

You can read more fun facts about swimming HERE.


You can find a climbing wall in virtually any local sports centre. Accessing that sport is very easy – all you need is a little good will and the right shoes to start working out with your child. Climbing builds strength, endurance and agility. It also improves motor coordination and spatial imagination. It helps you understand better the limits of your own body and improve your problem-solving skills.


“Bicycle” rather than “cycling” because your child can benefit from bicycle riding without regular training programmes in a cycling school. Going for a bike ride is in itself an outdoor activity. Bicycle riding also helps develop cardiopulmonary capacity; it prevents obesity and supports overall motor development of a child. Riding a bicycle also has a positive impact on concentration, cognitive functions of the brain and sleep quality.