The way to the heart is through the stomach – 3 ways to make your heart stronger with a good diet

Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death in Poland for many years. In 2021 alone, deaths from cardiovascular disease accounted for more than a third of all deaths. It is a well-known fact that an imbalanced diet has an adverse impact on the heart and the entire circulatory system. Learn how to best take care of your heart through proper nutrition.

Agata Brama
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What is the healthiest diet for your heart?

According to the 2021 Guidelines of the Polish Cardiac Society, a heart-healthy diet is based on the following recommendations:

  • more plant-based than animal-based foods
  • 30–45 grams of dietary fiber (from whole grains) daily
  • at least 2–3 servings (1 serving = at least 200 grams) of fruit and the same number of servings of vegetables daily
  • fish (especially oily types) 1–2 times/week
  • 30 grams of unsalted nuts daily

In addition, the intake of certain dietary constituents should be reduced:

  • trans fats – cut to a minimum
  • saturated fats (of animal origin) – make sure that they make up less than 10% of daily energy intake
  • salt – reduce daily consumption to 5 grams (1 flat teaspoon)
  • red meat (especially processed) – not more than 350–500 grams per week
  • alcohol – limit the intake to 100 grams per week
  • sweetened beverages – including fruit juices and sweetened carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks

Some of the world’s healthiest eating patterns – such as the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet – fit into these guidelines (more information HERE). Two questions remain: why is it so important to put these recommendations into practice and how can it be done?