Weights for Exercising at Home – 6 Things to Keep In Mind

Free weights are universal equipment. With their help, you can work on both building muscle mass, increasing strength and improving endurance, as well as shaping a slim figure. And you don’t even have to go to the gym! We suggest where to start when picking weights for exercising at home.

3 ideas on how to accommodate weights at home

Few lucky people have enough space in which to set up a home gym or a fitness studio. Most people considering training at home are limited by the size of their apartment – and this is most often the primary argument against training with weights. However, there are a few foolproof ways to flex the space a bit and squeeze out the most of it:

  • adjustable dumbbells – as the name suggests, you can adjust their weight with the appropriate number of plates put on the barbell. You can purchase a ready-made set packaged in a handy carrying case, or complete your own basic set of weights necessary for the planned exercises. Both options provide considerable workout possibilities and save space in the apartment;
  • folding bench – if you want to be able to do some serious strength training, buying a bench becomes a necessity. It’s worth looking around for flat-folding models that are easy to put, for example, in the wardrobe or under the bed;
  • gradual progression – it’s a good idea to start building a home gym with lighter, and therefore smaller, weights. The time for bigger and heavier ones will come as our capabilities – physical, financial and spatial – grow. It’s not worth buying equipment that we won’t use for a long time – and it will need to be stored somewhere.

What else is worth considering before you start exercising with weights?

Training with weights can be hard. And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as it’s not all too heavy right from the start – at which point you risk injury, discouragement and wasted money for equipment that proves useless. Therefore, before buying weights, it is worth thinking about a few issues that will allow you to focus on choosing the most important elements for your home gym:

  • what is your fitness level – beginners in strength training have different needs than strong, advanced bodybuilders. The same applies to all kinds of body firming and shaping exercises – beginners usually need fewer, lighter weights;
  • what your training will consist of – this refers to the style of exercising and its purpose. Body shaping with dynamic interval sessions? Lightweight soft weights not exceeding 5 kg. Working with small, isolated muscle groups? Up to 10 kg is enough to start with. Strength training on a bench? Here it is worth thinking about heavier weights, because it implies working with large, strong muscle groups;
  • how quickly do you plan to make progress – this question applies primarily to strength training of beginners, in whom at the start strength gains are seen almost from session to session. In this case, the best choice will be adjustable dumbbells, which will allow you to adjust the intensity of your workouts accordingly.

Physical conditions and training goals are always an individual issue. That’s why it would be a good idea to visit a gym and consult with a trainer who will competently assess your capabilities and suggest specific types of exercises. This will allow you to choose home weights in a more informed way, so they will serve you better and longer.