Strength training for beginners – benefits, exercises, tips

Strength training is a perfect way to take care of your health and figure. Here, you will find some advice on how to begin your gym adventure safely and sensibly. Have a look at some benefits, exercises, and tips for beginners.

Agata Brama

Benefits of strength training

Regular strength training brings a number of unquestionable benefits to our body. Apart from the obvious improvement of body shape by increasing muscle mass and burning the fatty tissue, strength training may be a remedy to certain civilisation diseases, which are the main cause of death in developed countries.

It improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, improves blood pressure and blood lipid parameters, thus preventing circulatory system diseases, such as atherosclerosis. It also increases insulin sensitivity by regulating glucose metabolism, which prevents diabetes. In addition, resistance exercises increase the secretion of BDNF, the factor responsible for inhibiting neurodegenerative processes in the brain, which prevents afflictions such as the Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. And the icing on the cake of strength training’s benefits is the improvement of every-day stamina, which pays off in later part of your life.

You will find out more about why it is worth to do strength training HERE.