How to speed up fat burning?

Burning fat is a process that depends on many factors. See how you can speed up your metabolic rate in a healthy and natural way.

Agata Brama

The basic condition you need to meet

In the human body, fat burning takes place only when one condition is met – reaching a state of energy deficit. Adipose tissue acts as an energy store in the body. If we consume more energy (calories) with food than our body uses, the surplus eaten will be stored as body fat. On the other hand, if we take in less energy (calories) than our body requires for current needs, the missing amount will be compensated from “stores”, i.e. body fat. In summary – to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. You can achieve it in three ways:

  1. Limiting the calorie intake,
  2. Increasing the daily amount of exercise and physical activity,
  3. Combining the above two methods for optimal effect.

If the above condition is met, you can move to the next level. Below you will learn strategies to boost your metabolism and fat burning rate even more effectively.