Yoga Nidra – a good way to sleep and lose weight

Problems with sleep and taking proper care of one’s figure are among the biggest challenges of medicine in the 21st century. The solution in both cases may be yoga nidra. Its practice brings a number of benefits to human health.

Insomnia – one of medicine’s greatest challenges

One of the biggest challenges of modern medicine is insomnia – it is the third most frequently reported ailment to doctors, right after headaches and gastrointestinal diseases. Insomnia is classified as a disease of civilisation [1]. Meanwhile, it only took the researchers two weeks to conclude that sleep is adequately taken care of by regular yoga practice.

However, we do not mean traditional asanas here, but a practice called yoga nidra. Study subjects reported higher sleep efficiency and a higher percentage of delta waves during deep sleep [2]. Improvement in sleep quality was also accompanied by positive changes in cognitive abilities. The subjects showed progress in cognitive tests and tasks related to working memory, abstract thinking, emotion recognition and remembering [2].

Sleep as important as diet

Healthy sleep and a healthy figure go hand in hand. High quality sleep is closely correlated with maintaining a healthy BMI [3]. Indeed, it has been found that the probability of obesity in children who sleep too little was 89%, and 55% for adults [3]. To make matters worse, obesity often promotes the development of sleep apnoea, which further impedes quality sleep and exacerbates weight gain.

Scientists believe that the correlation between sleep and weight is caused primarily by the hunger and satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin. If we do not provide the body with quality sleep, their function is impaired [3]. What is more, lack of sleep results in fatigue the next day, which affects not only motivation to exercise, but also the ability to focus on training and its quality.

Yoga nidra – use cases and practice

Joga nidra to sposób na pozytywne zmiany zarówno w obszarze wypoczynku, jak i dbania o zdrową sylwetkę. Praktykowanie tego typu jogi przynosi jednak znacznie więcej korzyści takich jak:

  • equalising blood pressure,
  • reducing fluctuations in glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes,
  • reducing stress levels and improving well-being,
  • reducing physical symptoms of anxiety,
  • supporting the immune system,
  • boosting energy,
  • lowering cholesterol levels [4].