What are the best stress relief activities?

Stress is the body’s natural reaction to situations which evoke strong emotional feelings. However, if exposure to stress becomes excessive and chronic, it may lead to a number of harmful consequences. How can you get the upper hand in the uphill fight against stress? The answer is surprisingly straightforward and the best remedy is also very easy to use – do sports.

How does stress affect the body?

You are probably familiar with the overpowering feeling of helplessness, the desire to run and hide and a sense of terror that inhibits your ability to think and act rationally? It is your body’s natural reaction when exposed to a potent stressor. The associated physiological mechanisms, such as accelerated pulse and high respiration rate, profuse sweating and increased heart rate, are triggered by the release of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. It affects the sympathetic system and the HPA axis, which consists of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the adrenal glands.

While short-term stress is not harmful, long-term exposure, also referred to as chronic stress, causes anxiety, sleep disturbances and eating disorders, and in the long run, it significantly increases the risk of developing a range of psychosomatic diseases.

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O ile krótkotrwały stres nie jest dla nas groźny, o tyle długotrwały, tzw. chroniczny stres, prowadzi do uczucia lęku, zaburzeń snu i odżywiania, a w dalszej konsekwencji znacząco zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia szeregu chorób psychosomatycznych.