It helps you lose weight, supports the bowel function and makes you younger. There’s a reason why pumpkin is the star of the season!

Pumpkin is truly impressive when it comes to nutritional value. We usually start thinking about pumpkin in the fall; however, it has so many benefits that it is a good idea to eat it all year long.

Pumpkins are one of the more wholesome vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Choose pumpkins that have a bright orange colour – they are the most nourishing ones.

Research has shown that pumpkin has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-cancerous properties. That’s not all – the pumpkin can also help reduce the risk of diabetes and hypertension. As such, we consider it to be a nutraceutical, or food that provides medical or health benefits. A study found that pumpkin peel contains alcohol insoluble polysaccharides (AIP), which tend to attenuate bile acid and support the growth of gut microbiota. That means that pumpkin is good for our guts, which are key to our immune system.

Pumpkin benefits and why it’s worth incorporating it into your diet

  • Being rich in fiber, pumpkin supports the weight loss process, slows the rate of sugar absorption into the blood and regulates proper bowel movements.
  • It has a high content of vitamin A which is responsible for eliminating the free radicals, supports the immunity (it protects the body from viruses and bacteria), which is of particular importance in the fall and winter.
  • It is a good source of protein. 100 g of pumpkin has only 32 kcal so it should be eaten by people who are dieting
  • It is an excellent source of vitamins C and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, niacin, folic acid and zinc.
  • It supports the body detoxification and slows down the ageing processes.
  • Because of their properties, the pumpkin seeds and the pumpkin seeds oil are recommended as an antiparasitic, and as part of the treatment in case of prostate ailments.