How to change your diet in spring?

Your days drag on onerously and any prospects of energizing sunny weather seem to vanish into thin air? Unfortunately, Polish weather is beyond our control but we can help our body wake up from hibernation with appropriate changes in our diet. How to get started?

Diana Szumilas

1. Stop starving yourself.

I know from my own experience that regular meals are one of the most important factors that affect our energy levels throughout the day. Just imagine: you have breakfast in the morning and then you are swept into the maelstrom of daily activities leaving you little if any time to grab a snack. When you finally get back home in the evening, you are famished so you put together a quick dinner. As usual, you eat too much and end up feeling heavy, only to start rummaging through your cupboards in search of some sweets half an hour later. Finally, you sink into the sofa, feeling you don’t have the strength to do anything else even though it is only 7 o’clock.

Sounds familiar? Small wonder, especially considering that such sensations result from your body’s physiological reaction to the crazy fluctuations of your blood glucose levels caused by fasting followed by a hefty meal. And how to eat properly? No, you don’t actually need to eat five small meals a day. Just try to eat similar amounts of food at different times throughout the day to prevent feeling extremely hungry. Before you grow into the habit of eating this way, try to keep about 4 hour intervals between your meals.

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Brzmi znajomo? Nic dziwnego, zwłaszcza, że takie zachowanie organizmu wynika z jego fizjologii i szalonej huśtawki poziomu glukozy we krwi, którą fundujesz przy okazji przegłodzenia się i następującego po nim obfitego posiłku. Jak więc jeść? Nie, niekoniecznie pięć małych posiłków dziennie. Po prostu postaraj się jeść dania o podobnej wielkości przez cały dzień i nie dopuszczaj do silnego uczucia głodu. Zanim zbudujesz taki nawyk, możesz pilnować, żeby odstępy pomiędzy kolejnymi posiłkami wynosiły około 4 godzin.