Five spring activities with the MultiSport card

The spring is here! This is a good time to enjoy outdoor activities and discover brand new sports activities in your area! Find out how you can exercise with your MultiSport card – solo, in a duet, or in a well-synced group.

Roller skating

Do you think that roller skating went out of style? You couldn’t be more wrong! It is the perfect sport for the whole family: children, teenagers, and adults. It is very safe – much safer than rollerblading – because it provides better stability and thus limits the maximum speed you can reach during a ride.

What are the benefits of exercising on eight wheels? Regular roller skating is known to improve balance and coordination, spatial orientation, and movement synchronization. It is an aerobic sport, so it’s great for strengthening the heart, enhancing the cardiovascular system, and boosting energy levels.

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Co daje trening na ośmiu kółkach? Regularna jazda na wrotkach poprawia równowagę i koordynację, orientację przestrzenną, a także synchronizację ruchów. To sport aerobowy, dlatego doskonale wzmacnia serce, usprawnia pracę układu krążenia i dodatkowo dostarcza energii.