When your body says “Enough!” – effective regeneration after strenuous activity

Action drives us every day, but regeneration is equally important on the way to our goal. It makes long-term activity possible, prevents burn-out and lets you share your energy with others. Here are 5 tried and tested ways to regenerate after strenuous effort – whether physical, mental or emotional.

1. Healthy diet

Your diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and has an undeniable effect on the way your body works. Why is it so essential for muscle regeneration? The efficiency of the process of rebuilding muscle fibers weakened during strenuous activity depends on the nutrients the body receives.

Proteins enable the development of muscle tissue, while at the same time preventing its decomposition. It is estimated that the optimum amount of protein that needs to be supplied to the body every 24 hours is ca. 2-2.5 g per kilogram of body weight.

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Proteiny umożliwiają rozwój tkanki mięśniowej, zapobiegając jednocześnie jej rozpadowi. Szacuje się, że optymalna ilość białka, jaką należy dostarczyć organizmowi w ciągu doby to około 2-2,5 g białka na każdy kilogram masy ciała.