BCAA for athletes – is it worth it?

BCAA is a supplement that athletes have long used. Only several years ago, it was widely recommended in the fitness and dieting milieu for all sport disciplines as a substance which helps build muscle mass and has anti-catabolic effects. What has happened in recent years that the supplement has earned such a bad reputation and its use has become the equivalent to throwing good money after bad?

Agata Brama

What exactly is BCAA?

BCAA (branched-chain amino acid) are three branched-chain exogenous amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Amino acids are component particles of protein – both the protein which we consume with our meals and that which forms part of our muscles. Amino acids may be divided into two types: endogenous and exogenous – the former are produced by our body itself, the latter must be provided from the outside.

Exogenous amino acids (i.e. those which the human body cannot produce itself) are necessary to maintain and build muscle mass. That is why athletes and amateur sportspeople are recommended to increase protein intake in their diets, paying special attention to the wholesome protein (i.e. protein which contains all exogenous amino acids).

HERE you’ll find 3 ideas for recommended post-workout protein-rich meals.

But why have those three (BCAA) among nine exogenous amino acids gained so much popularity?

How does BCAA work?

Leucine, isoleucine, and valine constitute over 1/3 of all exogenous amino acids in muscles, which in itself is an argument for their consumption. However, it is leucine that is the most important among those particles, because it forms the basis for the leucine threshold concept.

Research has shown that the consumption of leucine-rich protein better stimulates muscle protein synthesis compared to the protein with lower leucine content (regardless of the content of other amino acids). Leucine acts a little like a signalling device in the muscle tissue, when it reaches the muscles, it lets them know that they should prepare for increased protein production. By analogy, according to the famous study which formed the basis for coining the leucine threshold concept, the consumption of even a small amount of protein (a little over 6 g) with leucine may stimulate the production of muscle protein at the same level as the consumption of a larger portion (25 g) of pure protein.

In principle, this sounds like a perfect strategy for building muscle mass: no matter how much protein you consume, it is enough to add the appropriate amount of leucine in the form of supplement et voilà! – muscle mass gain guaranteed. It’s a simple, fast, and economical solution for athletes and it guarantees high demand for dietary supplements (to the manufacturers’ delight).