7 products that speed up your metabolism

Are you on a diet or planning to start one and want to know additional ways to speed up the weight loss process? See how you can easily incorporate substances that speed up metabolism into your daily diet.

Agata Brama

Following a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity are two things that guarantee metabolic health. However, there are some products that are able to make our metabolism even more efficient. See how, with a little effort, you can change your eating habits to further speed up your metabolism and optimize your fat burning rate.

Chilli pepper (capsaicin)

After eating a dish with chili peppers in it, we feel heat spreading through our bodies. It is the mechanism for generating this heat that is responsible for speeding up metabolism. Capsaicin, an antioxidant substance that accelerates fat burning through thermogenesis processes, is responsible for their hot taste and flavour. In addition, capsaicin reduces appetite by increasing the feeling of satiety after a meal, so it effectively inhibits the desire to snack.

You can include capsaicin in your diet through fresh or dried chili peppers, cayenne pepper or in the form of a supplement.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been known for years as a panacea for various ailments. It turns out that it also finds its use in slimming. Based on animal studies, the acetic acid in vinegar accelerates fat burning and reduces fat storage in the abdomen. The studies also verified other benefits of vinegar, including lowering blood glucose and insulin levels. It is best to introduce it into the diet gradually, dissolving a spoonful of vinegar in ½ cup of water. However, it should not be consumed by people who suffer from diseases related to the gullet and stomach (such as reflux).