of Poles realize that physical activity plays an important role in health promotion and disease prevention.

of Poles believe that an increased level of physical activity contributes to improved mental wellbeing.

Poles want to be active even more often!

56% of Poles declare they would like to increase the frequency of their physical activity.

It is directly related to the growing awareness of the benefits of participating in sports. Being physically active on a regular basis translates directly into the quality of life: better physical and mental health, higher self-esteem, and a sense of agency. Poles also increasingly recognize it as an essential part of disease prevention.

Sport as a health investment

Heart disease, hypertension, immune system disorders, mental crises, or professional burnout are just a few of the consequences of long-term stress at work. Our report shows that the problem already affects 90% of the employed population in Poland, including 28% who struggle with it daily or almost every day.

The constant feeling of tension can be significantly reduced by regular exercise which restores balance to the nervous system and helps to soothe difficult emotions. In the light of dynamic social changes and new challenges, sport has become an essential part of the hygiene of living. It is also a long-term health investment.

“Physical activity restores balance to the nervous system. It changes the type of the stimuli that reach our eyes. It stimulates blood flow not only in the muscles that are forced to work, but also in the microscopic blood vessels in our brain. In contrast to relaxation in front of the TV, it ensures true regeneration of the nervous system that is tired from work” Dr Iwona Piątkowska

Employees expect their Employers to support them in pursuing a healthy lifestyle


of Poles are of the opinion that Employers should support Employees’ physical activity financially

of Employees think that the MultiSport card offering access to several thousand sports and recreational facilities should be included in the basic package of non-wage benefits at work.

One in four people who do not have a MultiSport card says that if they had one, they would exercise more often than now

MultiSport Index Reports

We have been supporting and researching the development of physical activity of Poles for years.